when you wish upon a star
when you wish upon a star,
makes no difference who you are,
anything your heart desires,
will come to you,
if your heart is in your dream,
no request is too extreme,
when you wish upon star,
as dreamers do.
fate is kind,
she brings to those who love,
the sweet fulfillment
of their secret longing.
like a bolt out of the blue,
fate steps in and sees you through,
when you wish upon a star,
your dream comes true.
还 记得pinocchio吗?没错,就是匹诺曹,他也是我童年的伙伴。《木偶奇遇记》的故事是讲,一个木匠用一段木头削制了一个木偶,并给他取名匹诺曹,然 后仙女给匹诺曹以生命,并告诉他:‘除非他能获得勇气,无私和真理,否则不可能成为一个真正的男孩子’。为了帮助他,仙女让蟋蟀吉米尼来作他的朋友(吉米 尼实际上是他的“良知”)。头脑简单而又任性贪玩的匹诺曹经历了种种奇遇,又受到邪恶的狐狸和猫的欺骗和教唆,做过一些错事,但最终在蟋蟀吉米尼的帮助下 改正了缺点,变成了真实的男孩,回到了木匠爸爸的身边。
Friday, June 2, 2006
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